Giant Sequoia Trees

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2020

Hi guys I just wanted to check in and say hello, I flew to Boston just over a week ago and bizarrely I am sat in the airport lounge ready to fly out tonight storm permitting. I have been checking in when I can mostly in the middle of the night as the time difference between here and London means I wake around 5am most mornings. 

I came to Boston to get quiet, I have just gone through an incredible and brutal four months where my life has been turned upside down. Following the shock and trauma I felt I needed to come here to get still, to breathe, take stock, tp rejuvenate in my place of calm surrounded by wonderful friends I have known for half my lifetime. I wanted to share my story and something that helped transform both me and my perspective that may help.

I was listening to a Deepak meditation, he talked about the sequoia tree analogy and it resonated so deeply with me and the last broadcast from Mel and how gracefully she is taking on board the talk show changes adapting and pivoting and knowing she is being led in the right direction, one she hadn’t thought of yet, and it made me want to share his words, for me for Mel and for any off you who need to hear them

When you loose the perfect relationship, or the job you dreamed of ends abruptly, when the people you counted on abandon you, you can be sure of one thing, the universe is moving you in a new direction and no matter how difficult the journey, you are being moved to your true path, your true calling, even devastation is there to bring us closer to being who we really are.

We have to get still, let go and listen which is so hard to do when you are scared, afraid, unsure full of fear and doubts but its in this moment the answers come you and you find the gift of the experience from deep down inside, this treasure guides us to the next right step and that's when grace steps in and resilience shows up.

When everything is going in the right direction its easy to feel good and in harmony, but when there is a gap between what we want and what is happening there is stress, pain, we loose our clarity as we get caught up in the challenges we are facing. What appeared to be a devastating setback for me has actually cleared the way for re birth and transformation

Back to Deepak and the story of the giant sequoias! The life cycle of the sequoia tree offers the beautiful example of natures cycles of clearing and renewal and are some of the worlds most ancient trees the oldest being over 3500 years old, there secret is the power of fire. Periodically forest fires clear away everything that threatens the trees’ survival while ensuring their growth and regeneration. Without the fire’s heat, the sequoia cones couldn’t open and release their seeds. Without the clearing force of fire, sequoia seedlings would be overcrowded by competing shade trees and not have enough sunlight to grow.

I took from this that the fire “my current situation" was necessary no matter how devastating, it was essential to remove me from my toxic environment and this fire cleared everything away, everything that was holding me, keeping me stuck and preventing me from moving forward on the true path of my life.

So whatever devastating set back you are facing, understand the bigger the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be is whats causing you huge stress.  Understand that you cannot be clear when operating from a place of fear, step back, listen, and in that period of grace you will see the innate wisdom of the situation which is simply clearing the way for your renewal.

With love

Jan xx


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